Crusader Kings II

Crusader Kings II no deja de actualizarse y mejorar

El simulador de dinastías se dispone a recibir una nueva expansión la semana que viene. Pronto cumplirá tres años.

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Por mucho que Crusader Kings II (clic para análisis) ya fuera excelente cuando llegó al mercado en febrero de 2012, el equipo de Paradox no ha dejado de mejorarlo y ampliarlo cada cierto tiempo, para alegría de sus fans. El estudio acaba de confirmar que la nueva expansión Way of Life (Modo de Vida) se podrá descargar a partir del próximo martes, 16 de diciembre, inclinando la experiencia hacia el terreno RPG (sobre todo a nivel de caracterización del personaje y su comportamiento).

Estos son los detalles concretos de la expansión, de momento sólo en inglés:

Way of Life delves into the role-playing aspects of Crusader Kings II, giving players the ability to fine-tune their methods of seduction and break ups, and also the ability to set a Focus for your character that will influence the types of events that befall your character during their lifetime. Featuring hundreds of new events as well as over 20 new event pictures, Way of Life will give players control over their characters in ways never before available-for better, for worse, or for entertainment.

New diplomatic interactions - Dispatch foes by challenging them to duels, choose who to seduce, break up with lovers, spy on people, free prisonors from captivity, and more are now available to players.

Set a Focus - Give your rulers a "way of life" by assigning them a Focus that will give an immediate boost to their skills and help shape the course of their development through events and decisions - new and old. There are ten different Focuses available to your characters:

•    Rulership - Be a better king!
•    Business - Gold is good
•    Hunting - Kill the beast!
•    War - What's yours is mine
•    Family - the most important thing, right?
•    Carousing - ahem
•    Seduction - double ahem
•    Intrigue - sneaky, sneak
•    Scholarship - We love to learn
•    Theology - Do it for the big guy upstairs

New events - Hundreds of new events have been added into Way of Life, alongside 20 new event images, which tie in directly to a character's Focus. Specific events can be triggered only if a character is assigned a corresponding Focus.

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