thosol01: I cant find Doris account. Can someone link it?
Lasse Brøndal:
thosol01: Thank You!
thosol01: 404 ERROR
Lauritzen94: Hey GR folks
thosol01: its back
thosol01: Nice music :)
CimTrifius: Yay, Mario Partey! :D
over: Its a me mario
Sophia Yhlen: Test
thosol01: okay
Claus: test
thosol01: No sound
over: there is sound
CimTrifius: And now for the line-up! xD
over: who won bloonborne yesterday ?
roddan1: Hello all!
Lauritzen94: hey
roddan1: Love playing Mario Party with friends :)
CimTrifius: Yay, Luigi! Go, go, go!
thosol01: Intersting with the gamepad.
thosol01: Interesting*
kaboka: hey :)
thosol01: Hi
roddan1: over: dont know who won. Missed yesterday
over: yeah same here
thosol01: I think it was Janzu
roddan1: damn work for me :(
over: not a regular then
CimTrifius: Nice odds.
roddan1: over : everything allright with you ?
over: yeah, tired as F***K but otherwise fine.
CimTrifius: Good thing you guys started out with the amiibo party.... I was really curious about this mode.
over: you ?
KrokoTV: this game looks confusing xD
roddan1: tired ass a koala sitting in a tree and sleeping :), but otherwise its good
CimTrifius: Darn it, they got Luigi!
kaboka: pwn em dori :p
thosol01: Aww no Yoshi
roddan1: Sofie, Dori: Have Nick qiut his jobb at GR ?
thosol01: Yeah thats right, where has Nick gone?
kaboka: hax :p
roddan1: Nick in prison :P
CimTrifius: And Luigi wins!
Centclip: Nick has quit GR and is doing his own thing
Centclip: GR still refuses to say it though
roddan1: Damn i liked Nick on the stream.
Sophia Yhlen: Yes, he quit
kaboka: bowser ftw
roddan1: Hi Cent
Sophia Yhlen: Dòri here
Centclip: hi rod
kaboka: can you flip the board if you rage? :p
Lauritzen94: #Rageflip
Claus: Nothing extraordinary guys - Nick quit himself - he wanted to try out other stuff. We wish the best for him :)
thosol01: Bowser should be in more games like this. Great idea Nintendo :)
David Caballero: Go go Sophia-Luigi! Crush Dóri-Bowser just like I crushed him in Smash!
thosol01: lol
kaboka: well luigi never wins :p
roddan1: Sofhia, Dori: Do you think this game is the best in the series ?
thosol01: Which game mode is this?
kaboka: Is there any online in this game?
CimTrifius: amiibo party. :-)
David Caballero: And BTW, now I see Dóri ignores my Smash comments, guys you SHOULD definitely try the bomb-golf minigame ;)
kaboka: I guess it only the mario series amiibos you can use in the game?
CimTrifius: @kaboka - as far as I've read, you can use amiibos from other series, but they will only provide you smaller bonuses.
David Caballero: Spanish reader says: beware! GamePad battery about to die! lol :P
kaboka: save the gamepad :p
kaboka: Do the game have any online modes?
David Caballero: Nope. This is for local parties with friends and family! (Then you hate each other)
David Caballero: Would love some kind of online rankings though for certain skill-based minigames
CimTrifius: That's gotta hurt!
thosol01: Yes that is a good idea
kaboka: well people hate me in smash and mario kart 8 at local parties as well :p
David Caballero: b-but Nintendo is about love, isn't it?
over: If you have no friends, then screw you - Nintendo ^^
kaboka: haha
CimTrifius: My, Yoshi really get's beaten up by those dice throws!
thosol01: I like that Bowser canon!
kaboka: How many minigames are there?
David Caballero: 70+
kaboka: ok cool
roddan1: wow thats many minigames
thosol01: How many Mario Party Amiibos are out now actually?
David Caballero: All Smash Mario characters plus the new Toad Amiibo
kaboka: smash em!
Centclip: i finaly got my t-shirt Dori, but i did not recieve the poster
Centclip: and you had spelled my name wrong on 2 places
David Caballero: Which are Mario, Luigi, Peach, Toad, Yoshi, Donkey Kong, Rosalina, Wario and, above all, Bowser.
over: lucky you cent
over: im still waiting :(
CimTrifius: I'mstarting to smell match fixing in this game. xD
thosol01: Go Go Bowser!
David Caballero: This one's nice :)
David Caballero: And difficult, beware Sophia!
Centclip: ok no blame on you Dori, it was still spelled wrong though :)
CimTrifius: Yoshi saves the day!
KrokoTV: wait what, did all get coins when only yoshi was left? :O
CimTrifius: That would be because it's mini games where all 3 battles against Bowser.
KrokoTV: ah i see
kaboka: Any wii u games you guys are looking forward to?
David Caballero: Well, in other modes it's hearts-based, so the hearts you lose, that's how you end up. Every man for himself.
CimTrifius: The 4-man battles are usually very challenging and fun!
Thelindd3: Mario party 3 is, and will always be the best game in the series :D
roddan1: agree Mario party 3
thosol01: Mario Party 8 is great, but this looks waaay better
CimTrifius: I played one on Gamecube... I think it was 6?
David Caballero: I liked 4, 9 and 10. Nd Cube minigame design is great :)
CimTrifius: Fighting for capsules was really addictive.
Thelindd3: Nothing beats the pizza minigame MP3 had
thosol01: So Doris (Bowsers) job is to punish the other players? Well that have to be fun :)
thosol01: Yeah the Pizza minigame was fun
David Caballero: Yeah! But it's way better when it's 4 players co-op trying to not get caught by the 5th one (Bowser) ;)
thosol01: Is it Pizza games in this too David?
Thelindd3: Or the clock, we used to settle scores with that minigame haha, the one who survived the longest would win
David Caballero: Something similar, afaik. Remembering stuff, etc
kaboka: Rekt
Thelindd3: How is the regular maps in this game? or is it always just a square?
Thelindd3: Oh I see, thanks!
David Caballero: This is just Amiibo Party board. In regular Mario Party boards, all players progress together through the map (same vehicle), really nice board environment and events. In Bowser mode, Bowser chase them, destroying the board in the process.
Thelindd3: Hm, not sure what I think about the whole 'everyone progress together' but I suppose you have to try it to understand
CimTrifius: It's more fun than it sounds, actually. Just have to get used to it.
David Caballero: Mixed feedback on that. It's faster gameplay and there's different strategy involved. But I know some prefer the older, individual system with many paths.
Thelindd3: That's the one I'm used to, but this looks like it could be fun.
thosol01: Congratulations Dori!
CimTrifius: The big, bad Bowser takes the win!
Thelindd3: On a scale of 1-10, how friendship shattering is this game?
David Caballero: yep, sth like that. Bombs and golf involved
CimTrifius: Can't you play individual mini games somewhere in the Mario Part mode?
David Caballero: But you have to check whole minigame list - that's just special, wider modes
David Caballero: Don't remember where - maybe in Mario Party, when you don't select specific board
thosol01: Long loading screens in this game too. Well its still faster than Bloodborne
David Caballero: there you had it for later: Free Play ^^
Centclip: Sophia will beat you Dori
over: my bet is on Dori but im not competing
Thelindd3: Dori is higher
Thelindd3: that's my bet
OzzyTommy: Sophia
thosol01: Hmm
thosol01: How much time did we have again?
Thelindd3: 10 minutes
Limpis_88: Beardface will en up higher
Limpis_88: end**
Anders Riecke: Ten minutes :)
David Caballero: Not competing as I have the game already, but I'm supporting Sophia again! Grrrrrrr.
thosol01: So 17:10
thosol01: ?
Centclip: i cant always chose a safe bet Dori, i feelt like doing something crazy for once :)
Anders Riecke: Yes, 17.10
thosol01: Okay that is enough time to think
CimTrifius: I'm casting my vote on Sophia... although these games can change pretty quickly. Especially at the end.
kaboka: just went afk some min, did anyone win the game? :)
thosol01: who is who?
CimTrifius: Dori won the previous party. :-)
Thelindd3: kaboka: bet who will end up higher at the end of the game
kaboka: Dori will win!
Limpis_88: I'm placing my bet on Dori
CimTrifius: 1 vs 3!
CimTrifius: Don't hit the bombs!
thosol01: Which player is Dori and Sophia
CimTrifius: Dori is Donkey Kong.
CimTrifius: Sophia is Yoshi.
thosol01: I guess Dori will win.
thosol01: Or no
thosol01: Sophia
thosol01: I guess Sophia
FRisKo: Sophia will win
Limpis_88: Dori will win
CimTrifius: There's another part of the board, no worries.
Anders Riecke: Times up now :)
thosol01: Okay I dont know what it is but i cant PM you Dori. So I write it here. Will it be anymore of Bloodborne in later streams?
thosol01: I should have bet Dori.
thosol01: Nice§
thosol01: Nice!*
David Caballero: This minigame is really fun with 4p :)
David Caballero: some last-sec jumps and you can float while there's literally no ground
Centclip: Dori if you beat Sophia i wont help you in Destiny :)
thosol01: Sophia you can do it! :)
OzzyTommy: Is the AI good? Like realistic not overpowered.
CimTrifius: Oh that's a good one!
David Caballero: This one's great as well, lol
David Caballero: Go Sophia!
Thelindd3: I was eating, what's the standings?
CimTrifius: Lucky lucky!
thosol01: Nice!
CimTrifius: Yay!
SteveDemir: THey're cheep cheeps!! :D
thosol01: Back in 5 minutes
SteveDemir: Guys it's Mario Party..nothing is over until the last roll ;)
CimTrifius: Indeed!
thosol01: Back
thosol01: Nice Sophia! GO GO GO
CimTrifius: Oh my...
thosol01: NO¨
SteveDemir: That's right ;)
CimTrifius: Good throw!
SteveDemir: Kick some ass!
thosol01: Nice job Sophia
SteveDemir: It's all about them shrooms ha
SteveDemir: These battles look like they're so much more fun than the ones in the last game.
Thelindd3: Come on Dori!
Centclip: Dori you little cheat
Thelindd3: Wooo!
SteveDemir: Nice
Centclip: Dori WON
CimTrifius: Mario Party when it's best!
Centclip: FUCK!
Thelindd3: Come on Dori!
Thelindd3: Awwwww yeah!
Thelindd3: told ya :D
David Caballero: :(
David Caballero: now, I hope Sophia wins the freaking bomb-golf game!
David Caballero: :P
SteveDemir: Hey I want to be in the competition :O
kaboka: yay dori
Centclip: 2 days in a row i have been cheated out of a free game
kaboka: nah it was fair play! ;)
thosol01: Its too much Random in this game :)
Centclip: when Dori wins it is rigged :)
CimTrifius: Rerolling... how unfair. Good thing it was worse. xD
thosol01: Back in7 minutes
kaboka: Damn they can hold their breath under water a long time ;)
Thelindd3: How much longer is the map?
Thelindd3: ah alright :)
CimTrifius: I like the concerned look on the characters' faces.
CimTrifius: How cruel... xD
CimTrifius: The fate of the Galaxy is now resting in the hands of...Toad.
thosol01: Who won?
kaboka: toad..
CimTrifius: Nice run!
CimTrifius: Thank you for an entertaining show, GR!
Thelindd3: Yeah I agree :)
kaboka: who won? and thx for the show :)
Sophia Yhlen: i will go through and find everyone that voted for me, run it througha random generator and then contact winner and the unfortunate ones
Sophia Yhlen: (dòri on sophias login)
Thelindd3: alright, thanks again!
kaboka: ok so we will get a message here on GR? :)
Sophia Yhlen: Yes pm on the site