Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

Bondik and B1ad3 part ways with Gambit Esports

As the team looks to go in new directions, both of their contracts have been terminated, as revealed on Twitter recently.

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Gambit Esports has taken to Twitter to reveal that the contracts of coach Andry 'B1ad3' Gorodenskiy and Vlаdуslаv 'Bondik' Nеchуроrchuk have been terminated, meaning both are free agents now.

The announcement says that B1ad3 wasn't able to put all of his ideas in place, and that they couldn't get a "desired structure of play" as a team. Considering they wanted to "alter the direction" of the team too, this is why Bondik is also out, presumably to try and get better resutls in the future.

The team will now be looking for a fifth player and a coach. Who can fit the bill?

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Photo: StarLadder

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