Marvel Heroes 2015

Marvel Heroes se vuelve 'Loki' con el DLC de Thor

La actualización 2.0 suma al medio hermano del héroe del martillo a la fiesta de las tortas online.

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Gazillion Entertainment acaba de actualizar su popular action-RPG de modelo free-to-play, Marvel Heroes, con nuevo contenido y personajes salidos del mundo de Asgard.

Aprovechando el tirón de la última película, Loki, hermanastro y enemigo de Thor, se une al plantel de personajes sobrenaturales si descargas y actualizas el juego a la que se denomina Update 2.0. Con el villano llegan nuevos enemigos, objetos, recetas de artesanía y otros contenidos. Esta es la lista oficial de novedades en su inglés original:

Asgard - The realm of the gods will include expansive new zones, a server-wide event to unlock the Bifrost Bridge to Asgard, new supervillains and more. Odin's Palace will be introduced as a brand new player hub.
Playable Villain Loki - Players can now play as the God of Mischief himself. The first playable villain in Marvel Heroes, Loki can use his sorcery to fire magical blasts, control spires of ice, and create illusions to confuse his foes. His ultimate power transforms Loki into a massive Frost Giant, gaining new powers and attacks.
New Starting Characters - Marvel Heroes now has a brand new roster of starting heroes for new players to choose from. Expanding from the previous five choices, players can now pick a free Marvel superhero from a list of nine exciting and unique playable heroes.
More Story Content - The epic story of Marvel Heroes continues in Asgard with brand new story missions featuring fully-voiced motion comics.
New Items - New item types like rings and Legendary items each have their own new item slots. Players will want to hang on to legendary items, as they grow stronger and gain experience along with the player!

El MMO F2P está disponible para ordenadores Windows (puedes apuntarte aquí) con más de 20 personajes jugables, mientras se prepara una versión para equipos Mac. Para más información, el análisis de Marvel Heroes que publicamos en su lanzamiento.

Marvel Heroes 2015
Marvel Heroes 2015Marvel Heroes 2015
Marvel Heroes 2015Marvel Heroes 2015Marvel Heroes 2015Marvel Heroes 2015

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