The Secret World

Secret World deja de cobrar cuota

Funcom cambia modelo de negocio

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El estudio FunCom ha estado sudando la gota gorda para encontrar una comunidad de jugadores con un tamaño adecuado para su notable propuesta online masiva The Secret World, por lo que han decidido optar por un modelo híbrido a partir de ahora. Seguirán cobrando por comprar el juego (sobre los 30 euros), pero eliminan la cuota de suscripción mensual. Aun así, seguirá existiendo un tipo de cuenta Premium por suscripción que otorgará beneficios originales a los jugadores (modelo al que se pasan automáticamente todos los usuarios que pagan mensualmente en estos momentos).

Este es el comunicado oficial americano en su inglés original, que también menciona la venta en el futuro de las grandes expansiones vía DLC:

- Time Accelerator (Clickable item which increases experience gain for defeating monsters by 100% for 1 hour, 16 hour cool-down - only usable by Members and Grand Masters)

- $10 worth of Bonus Points (given out every month)

- Item-of-the-month gift (given out every month)

- 10% discount to everything in the in-game store

The Secret World

"Periodically we will release packs of DLC (Downloadable Content). These updates, called Issues in The Secret World, contain new content, such as more Auxiliary Weapons, new missions and story arcs. These packs are fully optional and can be purchased normally or for the Bonus Points that are included in the optional Membership, as well as with the Grandmaster Lifetime service.

The first DLC will start selling in January 2013, and is the main storyline of issue #5. This will sell for $5, however this content is already fully unlocked for anyone who has a full game account registered before the end of December 2012.

Regular patches with free content and updates and enhancements to the core game will still continue."


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